SUB PROCEDURE WHEN RETURNING ANY VALUE ( since this subprocedure is returning a value so procedure interface should be used , callp should not be used, and the length of the subprocedure should be defined)
0001.00 da                s              3  0                                   
0001.01 db                s              3  0                                  
0002.00 Dsubpr1           pr            12  0                                  
0003.00 Da                               3  0                                   
0004.00 Db                               3  0                                  
0005.00 Dc                s             12  0                                  
0007.00 C                   eval      a=10                                      
0008.00 C                   eval      b=20                                     
0008.03 c                   eval      c=subpr1(a:b)                            
0010.00 c     c             dsply                                              
0011.00 c                   eval      *inlr=*on                                
0012.00 c                   return                                             
0015.00 psubpr1           b                                                    
0016.00 dsubpr1           pi            12  0                                  
0017.00 da                               3  0                    
0018.00 db                               3  0                    
0019.00 dx                s             12  0                    
0020.00 c                   eval      x=a+b                      
0021.00 c                   return    x                          
0022.00 psubpr1           e

output is :-

DSPLY            30  

How to see output:-

1) Here in subprocedures we should not compile directly I mean 14 option should not be used.
First use crtrpgmod then press <f4> and enter module name if u write crtrpgmod and press enter then default module will be created in qgpl library with the module name as proof.

2) then crtpgm <f4> and write the programs name (any name) .

3) to see output  type on the command line as call <program name> . [ here call proc1 ].

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