As/400 Numbers

AS400 Numbers

1.  What is the maximum number of record formats in DSPF?
A.1024 (One thousand and twenty four)

2. What is the maximum number of fields under a record format of physical file?
  1. 8000 (eight thousand)
3.      What is the maximum number of parameters allowed in RPG?
A.255 (Two hundred and fifty five)

4.      What is the maximum number of parameters allowed in CLP?
A.43 (Forty three)

5. What is the maximum number of subroutines allowed in RPG?
A.254 (Two hundred and fifty four)

6. What is the maximum number of files allowed in RPG?
A.50 (Fifty including eight printer file)

7. What is maximum number of Arrays allowed in RPG?
A.250 (Two hundred and Fifty)

8. What is the maximum number of key fields allowed defining in a physical file?

9. How many libraries can be there in library list?
A. Total 40 (15 systems and 25 applications)

10. What is the type, length of a LDA?
A.*CHAR, 1024 bytes

11. What is the maximum number of records you can specify in a display file?

12. What is the maximum number of subfiles that can be specified in a display file,

13. Maximum number of subfiles that can define in a RPG program for one display file is

14. Maximum number of subfiles that can be active for a single file is?

15. What is the maximum length of a variable name in CL?
 A. Maximum 11 characters (including '&')

16. How many files can be defined in F specs?

17. How many printer files can be defined in F specs?

18. What is the length of a variable in RPG?
A. 6 Characters.

19. What is the maximum number of elements in an array?

20 How many parameters can be defined in a RPG program. ?

21. What is the maximum number of times Multiple Occurrences DS can occur in a program?

22. How many files can be defined in F specs?
A. maximum of 50 files.

23. What is the maximum number of subfiles that can specified in a display file?

24. The maximum number of subfiles that can be active for a single file is

25. The maximum number of subfiles that can defined in a RPG program for one display file?A.24

26. How many files, printer files you can describe in a RPG
A.50 files and 8 printers

27. What is maximum size of data area?

28. What are the maximum parameters can be passed from one RPG program to another RPG program?

29. How many maximum parameters can be passed from on RPG program to another CL program?

30. How many maximum arrays can be used in a single RPG program?

31. How many maximum loops can be used in a single RPG program?

32. How many maximum printer files can be used in a single RPG program?

33. What is the maximum length of an OCCUR?

34. What is maximum size of a subfile?

35. Maximum report length is 132, if user is designing a report using RLU?
A.FALSE (378 Max).

36. How many Specs are there in RPG & Which are they?
A. There are 7 Specs in RPG they are H, F, E, L, I, C & O.

37. How many printer files maximum can be used in single RPG program?
A.8 because of the overflow indicators OA-OG & OV.

38. Maximum number of Records in Display File?

39. How many types of objects are there on As/400?

40. How many triggers can be associated with a single PF?
A.6 (max)

41. What is the size of the filename in RPG?
A.8 Characters (Max.)

42. How many maximum spaces could be given in O Specs?

43. What is the length of the variable in the given example? DCL VAR (&Name)
TYPE (*Char)?
A. Default 32 & for Decimal 15,5

44. A CL program, EMPCL1 calls the RPG program EMP001 & the calls the RPG
EMP002.RPg program EMP001 & EMP002 were both written to process the file, In order to test changes in EMP001 a test file called TESTEMP is library TESTLIB needs to be used EMP002 should process EMPMAST as it normally would. Add the following CL statement directly before the call to EMP002 DLTOVR FILE (EMPMAST)

45. Submitting a job using numeric parameters, the length of the parameter
Should be?

46. How many files can be opened in RPG IV program?
A. No Limit

47. How will you achieve POSITION TO in Load all subfile?
A. While loading subfile move RRN, KEYVALUE in to a two dimensional array. When a key value is entered into POSITION TO field, having a LOOKUP into a array we can get a corresponding RRN. Assigning RRN value to SFLRCDNBR and then displaying the sub-file.

48. What key word is used when screen is re-displayed?
A.RSTDSP is a parameter to be specified at compile time for display file.

49. What is JOBQ and PRINTQ?
A. Jobs go into the job queue in order to run in a subsystem. Print queue where the printer files (report) reside and wait for their turn to get printed.

50. Can a file be journaled without using it under commitment control?
A. Yes
51. Can a file be used under commitment control without being jorunaled?
A. No

Arrays and tables
Maximum of 200 per program.
|Array/table input record length         
for compile time
Maximum length is 80
Character field length               
Maximum length is 256
Control fields (position 59 and 60 of input specifications) length
Maximum length is 256.

Data structure length                
Maximum of 9999.
Data structure occurrences (number
Maximum of 9999 per data structure
Edit Word                                
Maximum length of 24 for literals or 115 for named constants.
Elements in an array/table
(positions 36 through 39 of
extension specifications)
Maximum of 9999 per array/table

Maximum of 50 per program.
Levels of nesting in structured   
groups |
Maximum of 100.
Can be specified only once for a file. Can be specified only for primary and secondary files
Named Constant                         

Maximum length of 256 for character named constant, 512 for hexadecimal named constant 30 digits with 9 decimal positions for numeric named constant.
Overflow indicator                
Only 1 unique overflow indicator can be specified per printer file.
Maximum of 255
Primary file (P in position 16 of           
| file description specifications)
Maximum of 1 per program.|
Printer file (PRINTER in positions  40 through 46 of file description Specifications)
Maximum of 8 per program.|

Printing lines per page              
Minimum of 2; maximum of 112
Program status data structure        
Only 1 allowed per program
Record address file (R in position
16 of file description
| specifications)
Only 1 allowed per program
Record length for program               
described file (positions 24
| Maximum length is 9999. (1)
| Maximum of 254 per program.


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