AS/400 System


1. What are the advantage using AS/400?
v  Layered Machine Architecture
v  Object Orientation
v  Operating System OS/400
v  Multiple security
v  Integrated Data-base Management System

2. What is Layered Machine Architecture?
           This insulates the user from hardware characters. That is they can move to a new hardware  
           technology without disturbing the application program.

3. What is Object Orientation?
           Every thing stored on AS/400 system is as Object. Once the object is created its internal   
           format wont be apparent to the user.

4. What is Single Level storage?
AS/400 system has main storage and disk storage. All the objects are stored in the system thro’ a device independent addressing mechanism. This means the extra main storage and disk storage will be added to the system without affecting the application program.
So a user no needs to know the location of the object. If he wants to use the object just naming it is enough.

5. What is Hierarchy of Microprocessor?
The AS/400 system has the main system processor and lot of other processors. Every I/O device has its own microprocessor. It means any operation (read / write) on the device can be delegated to their own processor. Meanwhile the main processor performs some other operation.

6. What is Operating System OS/400?
The OS/400 is integrating all the software needed for most commercial computing. The software is relational database, communication and networking, etc.

7. What are the various types of Security in AS/400? Or What is ‘C2’ level security? Or What is ‘C’ level security?
            The five following levels of securities are called C2 level security.
            The following three levels of security are called C level security.

No Security
The system is shipped with minimum-security level and doesn’t require any password to sign on. If user profile doesn’t exist with the same name as the userid the system creates the user profile with that name

Password Security
Minimum-security level is active and password is required to sign on. The user profile must already exist for the user before he can sign on the system.

Resource Security
Password security is active and user must specify given authority to resources. This level is recommended because the system doesn’t give user authority to access all objects on the system after the user sign on.

Operating System Security
Password security, resource security and Operating system security are active. User must specify the given authority to resources. This level provides more security than level 30.

C2 Level Security
All the level 40 security attributes are included at level 50, and in addition some of the interfaces are modified to meet the C2 standards.

8. What are the user classes in AS/400?
                   i.          *Security Administrator (*SECADM)
                  ii.          *Security Officer (*SECOFR)
                 iii.          *Programmer (*PGMR)
                 iv.          *System Operator (*SYSOPR)
                  v.          *User (*USER)

9.  What is the purpose of level checking?
To ensure that the version of a file used by a program has not changed since the program was compiled.

10. Differentiate OPM, EPM and ILE.
Original Program Model is an old RPG/400 system, which will not allow a program type to call another program type [like Pascal, C.]
Extended Program Model will support other programming concepts like Pascal, Fortran.
It is a mixture-programming concept, which combines in type of program with another type of program.

Version V1R2

11. How to close a system?
In main menu by putting 90 in command line or at any screen by the command ‘Signoff ‘.
            To go to the main menu the command ‘Go’ <menu> is used.

12. What is a subsystem? What are the subsystems available?
            It is the operating environment defined by subsystem description.
                               i.            QINTER         -Runs all Interactive job.
                              ii.            QBATCH       -Runs all Batch job.
                             iii.            QSPL              -Runs all Print (Spooled) job.
                             iv.            QCTL              -Only used by the system operator to control the system.
                              v.            QCMN            -Runs all Communication job.

13. What are different high level languages used in AS/400?
            RPG/400, CL/400, BASIC, C/400, PASCAL, FORTRAN/400 and COBAL/400.

14. What is an asynchronous process?
            It is a process that can be executed concurrently with a job.
            Eg. Jobs submitted to Batch mode.

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