Check your subfile skills


1. Explain Subfile.
To access multiple records at a time, we can use subfiles. It makes easy the user task that he can work with group of record. It has two record formats.
1.      Subfile Record
2.      Subfile Control Record

2.  What is a Subfile control record?
The record that controls the display of the record format and text information

3.  What is a Subfile record format?
The record that contains the displayable data.

4.  What must follow the SFLCTL keyword in the Subfile control record?
The name of the Subfile Record Format.

5. What are the mandatory keywords for declare Subfile.
                        It defines the record is Subfile record.
                        It defines the record is a control record.
                        It is to display the data is the display screen.
                        It identifies the Subfile size. The max size for Load all is 9999.
It identifies the no. of record to be displayed at a time. For load all it should be less than SFLSIZ

6. What is Relative Record Number [RRN]?
Relative Record Number [RRN] is a unique numeral value used to position records in Subfile.

7.  What DDS keywords are required when defining a control record format?

8.  What are the 3 types of subfiles?
Single page, expandable and load-all.

9.  Which type of Subfile has the better performance?
Single page.

10.  What is a Subfile record number?
The internal value associated with the each Subfile record.

11. What does ‘O.S 400 controlling of Subfile’ mean?
In Load All Subfile if we press the Page Up or Page Down key the control will not go to the program and the O.S.400 will take the control and redisplay the preceding or succeeding records.
This simplifies the coding and if the beginning or end of Subfile reached then the O.S 400 will automatically display the message like ‘End Of File Reached’.

12. Why would one take control over rolling of Subfile record?
It will reduce the time taken to redisplay the records if there is large records. If we define the roll key then the control will return to program while the roll key is pressed. The program then adds new records and display.

13. How will you get a Plus sign in Subfile?
By specifying the SFLEND keyword. If we specify *More with SFLEND then the word MORE will be at lower right corner which indicates more records are there in Subfile than displaying and if end of file reached then it will display ‘BOTTOM’.

14. How does CLRL work? Compare it with OVERLAY.
This keyword is used to Clear and Control specific number of lines from the screen. It also helps to overlap two record formats without the first format is being cleared completely. Only those lines cleared from the first format are deleted, all other lines will remain in the screen.
If we specify CLRL (*NO) for a format then no line will be cleared. So if a record format is overlayed then the lines of the previous format will not be deleted but just overlayed.
It is not in case of OVERLAY. If any line in the first format in the overlaps then the complete format will be deleted before next format display.

15. What do you mean by SFLRCDNBR?
                        It means Subfile record number. This is used in load all type.
Suppose we are living in third page and if we press Enter key, then the control will go to first page. So if we move the position of 378 to 379 of the File Information Data Structure to a hidden field then the RRN value and Subfile Record Number will be same. So the control will be in the living page.
We cannot use SFLRCDNBR and SFLROLVAL simultaneously.

16.  What does the SFLNXTCHG keyword mean?
It means Subfile Next Change. It activates the READC operation and mark records as changed records.

Suppose the READC operation reads fifth or sixth changed record and if modify a second or first record then READC wont read that record. For this we activate the SFLNXTCHG keyword with an indicator. So if we change a record that indicator will seton and READC will read all changed record.

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